Regardless of whether Barack Obama or Mr Romney wins the election, the next US president must quickly address the foreign policy challenges that have been sadly neglected in this election campaign. 无论是巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)还是罗姆尼赢得了大选,下一任美国总统都必须尽快应对这场竞选中不幸被忽视的外交政策挑战。
Next, the From address and an array of To addresses are set. 其次,设置发件人地址和收件人地址数组。
After you feel comfortable with the work product comparison, you should next address the roles. 当你熟悉了工作产品的对比后,你应该开始确定角色。
Next, you translate the address of each course into a geo-spatial point ( longitude and latitude) using the GClientGeocoder. 接下来,用GClientGeocoder将每个球场的地址翻译成地理空间点(经度和纬度)。
The end label ( pstr_end) gives the next location address, and subtracting the starting label address gives the size. 末尾标签(pstrend)给出下一个位置地址,减去启始标签地址就得出大小。
If it isn't the first project linkage, it finds the next available address and stores the size there. 如果不是第一个项目链接,它会寻找下一个可用地址并将该大小存储到那里。
The next section examines how to address this problem in one particular environment& the application server. 下一部分将讨论如何在一个特定的环境应用服务器中处理此问题。
Some IBM extensions are "always on," meaning that various views show additional information about an object next to its address. 有些IBM扩展“总是启动”,即各种视图显示关于一个与其地址相邻的对象的额外信息。
In our next two articles we will address UCM implementation planning in much greater depth. 在我们接下来的两篇文章里,我们会更深入地讨论UCM实施计划。
Accept My IP Address as the default source address by clicking Next. 单击Next接受MyIPAddress作为默认的源地址。
Next, address the employer by name if you know the contact person. Otherwise it is acceptable to use Dear Hiring Manager. 接下来,如果你知道公司联系人,可以写上对方姓名。反之,也可以用尊敬的招聘经理来称呼对方。
She said "customized agreements" for surface mail are being developed for higher-volume shippers that will be enhanced over the next several months to address the needs of small businesses. 她说,对于水运“约定俗成的共识”正在制定中,它们将更有利于那些拥有大笔业务的发货人,从而满足小公司的要求。
Their next step is to address how to simulate ocean-based wind farms more accurately. 他们的下一步将是进行海洋风力发电场的模拟,并使其更准确。
The architect and the building committee will next address more practical issues such as noise control and how to avoid causing disturbance to students and staff during construction. 建筑师和建筑委员会之后会研究更具体的问题,如降低噪音,以及施工期间如何尽量减少对同学和同事的滋扰。
Then type the address of the website you wish to visit and click on the green arrow button next to the address bar. 然后输入你想要浏览的网站的地址,并点击地址栏旁的绿色箭头键。
In the hyperlinks dialog box, next to address, click browse and choose local file. 在“超链接”对话框的“地址”旁,单击“浏览”,然后选择“本地文件”。
From the standard group of the toolbox, drag a TextBox control onto the control next to the words e-mail address. 在“工具箱”的“标准”组中,将一个“textbox”控件拖动到文本“电子邮件地址”旁边的控件上。
When in the Address bar, move the cursor left to the next logical break in the address ( period or slash). 在地址栏中时,将光标向左移动到地址中的下一个逻辑断点(句点或正斜杠)
Citizens are particularly interested to know what Donald Tsang will say about land supply and the government's housing policy when he delivers his next policy address next month. 下月,行政长官曾荫权发表《施政报告》时,土地供应和房屋政策会是市民关注重点之一。
If the calendar is enabled to receive e-mail, its address appears under list information, next to e-mail address. 如果已经启用日历来接收电子邮件,则其地址将显示在“列表信息”下的“电子邮件地址”旁。
Thesgroupsof Seven meeting of finance ministers in Florida next weekend should address this problem, not by attempting to prevent the adjustment but by ensuring that it happens intelligently. 下周末将在佛罗里达举行的七国集团财长会议,应当处理这个问题,其宗旨不是要企图阻止汇率调整过程,而是要确保这个过程明智、合理地发生。
The next meeting will address the problem of truancy. 下次会议将着手解决学生的逃课问题。
If you would like to input more than one email address, please press "Enter" and input the next email address. 如欲输入多个电邮地址,请按“输入”键及输入其馀电邮地址。
Painful subjects for a mighty nation but ones that the next strategy might start to address. 对于一个强大的国家而言,这是令人痛苦的话题,但或许下一份国家安全战略报告会开始应对这些问题。
I believe Chinese economic authorities recognize the problem and the next Five-Year Plan will address it effectively. 我相信中国经济管理部门已认识到这个问题,在下一个五年计划中会有效地解决这个问题。
Festival organizers are already planning for next year, aiming to address other contentious issues in Turkey. 电影节组织者已经在为明年做打算,计划在土耳其再探讨其它具有争议性的话题。
But first, in the next chapter, we will address the issue of what it is that the laws of nature describe. 但是首先,在下一章节中,我们将提出“自然定律的描述是什么”这个问题。
Second chapter divides three, first explains appropriateness theory, next proposed Chinese face-to-face address forms appropriate evaluation criteria, finally pointed out Chinese face-to-face address forms must conform to the appropriate principle. 第二章分三节,首先阐释得体性理论,其次提出汉语面称语得体性的评价标准,最后指出汉语面称语必须符合得体原则。
This algorithm greatly saves memory in the space and avoids the slow refreshing problem when the next hop address information is changing. 本算法在空间上大大节省了内存需求;时间上避免了在下一跳地址信息发生改变时重刷转发表项缓慢的问题。
Detection packet is made up of a random positive integer X which record the number of hops and several Next hop address, Public key sets encrypted in each layer. 探测包由一个记录路出跳数的随机正整数X和若干个层层加密的二元组(下一跳地址,公钥)构成。